The Healthy Dozen: 12 Keys to Living Longer

Did you know that your genetics account for only about 25 percent of your chances of living to age 85? The rest is determined by your environment and lifestyle. Here are 12 ways to live longer.


  1. Laugh More
    Laughing appears to boost blood flow by more than 20 percent and may reduce the risk of heart disease.
  2. Eat More Garlic
    Garlic has been called nature’s antibiotic. It lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, helps fight infection and boosts immunity.
  3. Drink More Tea
    The antioxidants in tea may slow the growth of cancer cells, increase bone density and improve heart health.
  4. Drink More Water
    It is an easy way to improve your digestion and increase the absorption of nutrients.
  5. Use the Buddy System
    Research suggests that friends help people live longer.
  6. Take It Easy
    Relaxation reduces blood pressure and helps reduce stress-related conditions such as depression.
  7. Get a Dog
    Having a pet, especially a dog, reduces anxiety and helps us laugh. A dog can also motivate people to walk more often.
  8. Consider The Glass Is Half Full
    People with a positive outlook on life decrease their risk of early death by 50 percent!
  9. Feed Your Sweet Tooth
    Chocolate contains antioxidants, which prevent or delay damage to the body’s cells and tissues. Sources: AARP,, Scientific American
  10. Find a New Hobby
    Whether it be gardening or woodworking, having a hobby can lower stress, improve sleep and increase your sense of happiness.
  11. Volunteer
    People who volunteer tend to lose weight, have less heart disease and report being happier.
  12. Embrace Your Religion
    People who regularly attend worship services may reduce their mortality by 55 percent, especially between the ages of 40 and 65.