Answer these six questions true or false and see how smart you are about your brain.
1) Up to 35 percent of the risks to brain health can be eliminated with healthy habits.
2) Supplements can boost your memory.
3) Socializing with other people is a good cognitive exercise.
4) Brain neurons die as you age.
5) The brain works better under pressure.
6) The brain declines as you get older.
1) True. Those habits include regular exercise and a healthy diet.
2) False. Although there is mixed evidence that Vitamin E can improve cognition.
3) True. Being around people helps keep your brain active.
4) False. In the absence of disease, neural death is minimal.
5) False. Stress is more likely to impair brain function.
6) It’s complicated. Some cognitive functions do decline with age, but others, such as vocabulary and emotional regulation, can perform better as we grow older.
Sources: Kendall, Northwestern Medicine, Cleveland Clinic, AARP